
佐渡訪問 Thinking deeply



こがね丸 Kogane Maru


小木の町並み Old town in SADO. I like there!



コムクドリ雌 female of Chestnut-cheeked Starling

コサメビタキAsian Brown Flycatcher


オドリコソウ White dead-nettle Lamium album 




トキ 2012年撮影 Japanese Crested Ibis

I went to SADO Isle, where is in Sea of Japan, to collect materials for writing essay. Kogane Maru will be retired next spring because the new ferry enters service from April 2015.

I have been to SADO several time not only wildlife watching, but also enjoying old town atmosphere.
Of course I looked for birds! It was not easy to find migrant birds in this time as wintering birds did not choose Japan last winter.  Probably the bird route for North is also different, this spring. I could see some summer birds, such as photos.

However I was happy to be able to feel spring flowers, like a White dead-nettle. It is not easy to find the plant in main land in Japan recently as increasing Sika deer and Japanese wild boar. (No big mammals in Sado)

SADO is very famous as the place to see Japanese Crested Ibis. The bird was extinct 1980's in wild. The ministry of the Environment in Japan reintroduced Japanese Crested Ibis in SADO in 2008. Now increasing in wild.

Small rice terraces is one of the important feeding place for the bird.

As is usual with, the population in Sado is also decreasing. It is not easy to keep small rice terraces if no farming. Normally the land owner is elder person, young people prefer to work in town or urban place. Therefore we need to think deeply to keep there seriously if we wish to see Japanese Crested Ibis forever.

2 件のコメント:

  1. この田んぼ風景、いいですね〜 いつかこういうところでスケッチ会ができたらいいなと思ってしまいました。

  2. tingさん、

